Stand No: n/a
Web World News
In its 6th year of operation, Web World News has been established in the e-Commerce and Digital Marketing industry as the only Medium in Greece that is dedicated to the e-commerce ecosystem.
Its content, deals exclusively with the e-commerce ecosystem: Interviews, smart guides features and the news from the Greek companies of the industry and also, the biggest technological, commercial and corporate news internationally. All the content is also being published at the social media of Web World News, in LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.
Web World News has a solid database for its weekly newsletter of more than 40,000 recipients. The data base is been updated and crossed-checked on a daily basis, by a dedicated team that is in charge for this project. The recipients are the Greek e-shops and digital agencies, logistics, digital payments and courier companies, as well as executives and professionals from the wider e-commerce industry, institutions and the visitors of the eCommerce & Digital Marketing Expo events.